This animation was designed to be projectable, allowing the performer to act like a magician controlling the number-based chess pieces. My acting made this animation an even more entertaining and intriguing academic stimulus for the children, helping create a fun environment for learning math.
The chess piece designs and background were made using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Then, sounds, motions, and effects were added with After Effects and Premiere Pro. A pair of projectors were used to provide an immersive experience to the children, as being surrounded by the animations on two sides of the corner could help them feel like they were actually part of the animation.
I am planning to add an element of interaction to the animation by having some of the chess pieces follow around the shadows of a performer or child. This will help further engage the children, providing an even more intriguing academic stimulus to them.
This is a storybook paired with the projectable animation. The fun storyline in the storybook could make the children get deeply engaged with the numbers represented by the chess pieces. Also, by asking questions using the number-based chess pieces, the storybook could be used to fuel the children’s curiosity and understanding.